Product Safety

At ShopnWrap, we are committed to the safety and convenience of our customers. Therefore, we provide only safe, tested, and trusted products on our platforms. We have a team assigned to evaluate and look into the quality of each product, while making swift efforts to recall any product that poses a threat, whether potentially or otherwise.

In cases of complaints about product hazards, we may do the following:

● Desist from offering the product on our website.

● Place a caveat on the product detail page.

● Take other actions depending on the situation.

If you have any inquiries about a product, contact our customer service team via



ShopnWrap continually strives to provide each customer with the highest standard of customer service. We often provide exclusive discounts and offers for select items to ensure customer satisfaction. Our customer service team is available to help you with any difficulties you may have while using our site. You can contact us at


The world of logistics can be unpredictable and stressful. We are aware of this worldwide hurdle every business owner or customer faces every day. We offer competitively-priced door-to-door delivery to alleviate this situation and create a seamless shopping experience. We have a formidable network of logistics professionals who value our customers and their products. Also, we can ensure fast delivery of goods by having warehouses in select locations.